Navpad Oli (Ayambil) Vidhi Day 5 Sadhu Pad

 Day 5, SADHU PAD: Sadhu is the fifth post in Navpad and put in the left half of Arihant in Siddhachakra Yantra.

Navpad Oli (Ayambil) Vidhi Day 5 Sadhu Pad
Navpad Oli (Ayambil) Vidhi Day 5 Sadhu Pad
Navpad Oli (Ayambil) Vidhi Day 5 Sadhu Pad

He is the third among Guru Tatva. He has left the house and renunciated. He has committed himself to the heavenly way lectured by Arihant and restrained by Acharya. He dedicates himself to the respectable way that prompts salvation and practices four consecrated ideals.

ALSO READ  हेज़ल मॉडर (सेलिब्रिटी चाइल्ड) विकी, जीवनी, आयु, प्रेमी, परिवार, तथ्य और अधिक - विकीफौसम