Rocio Oliva (Diego Maradona’s Ex-Girlfriend) Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Family, Biography & More


Rocio Oliva

Rocio Oliva is the ex-girlfriend of the late Argentinian football legend, Diego Maradona, who died of a heart attack at the age of 60 in November 2020. They parted their ways in 2018, four years after their engagement. Rocio Oliva is also an ex-woman football player and has played football for several clubs in Argentina.



Rocio Oliva was born on Saturday, 14 July 1990 (age 30 years; as of 2020) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her zodiac sign is Cancer.

A childhood picture of Rocio Oliva with her father

A childhood picture of Rocio Oliva with her father

There is not much information available about her early life.

Physical Appearance

Height (approx): 5′ 5″

Hair Colour: Blonde

Eye Colour: Black

Rocio Oliva

Family & Ethnicity

Parents & Sibling

There is no information available about her parents other than the picture shown below.

Rocio Oliva's late parents

Rocio Oliva’s late parents


Reportedly, Rocio Oliva met Diego Maradona in 2012. She got engaged to Maradona in February 2014, and the engagement was celebrated with a lavish party in Rome. After six years of relationship, both of them parted their ways in 2018.

Diego and Oliva watching a football match at a stadium in 2014

Diego and Oliva watching a football match at a stadium in 2014


In July 2014, Rocio Oliva was arrested at Buenos Aires airport after Diego Maradona filed a complaint of theft against her. Rocio Oliva refused his allegations and later released a video of Diego that allegedly showed Diego hitting her, after which Diego took withdrew his complaint. [1]


  • Diego Maradona gifted her a Black BMW series one on their 3rd anniversary in 2016.
    Diego and Oliva on the third anniversary of their relationship

    Diego and Oliva on the third anniversary of their relationship

  • In 2017, Maradona gifted her a house in the exclusive Bella Vista area of the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires.
  • Reportedly, after splitting with Rocio Oliva in 2018, Diego Maradona did not come into a relationship with any other woman.
  • In 2019, Oliva registered a complaint against Maradona for spending payout of $ 5 million. [2]The Sun

References   [ + ]
2. The Sun
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